Satta King Results


Satta king, Sattaking, Satta king up, Satta result, Satta king result, Satta king online, Gali result,
Desawar result, Desawar Gali Ghaziabad Faridabad
Today's Result

August 18, 2020 4:03:30 AM



Satta king, Sattaking, Satta king up, Satta result, Satta king result, Satta king online, Gali result, Desawar result - Satta king, Sattaking, सट्टा किंग, Satta king 2020, Satta king up, Satta result, Satta king result, Satta king online - सबसे पहले रिजल्ट यही आता है

💥गली दिशावर सिंगल जोड़ी जून धमाका 💥
🤲इसी विश्वास से में आपके साथ खड़ा हूँ एक बार भरोसा करो 🤲
💥व्हाट्सएप्प करो सिंगल जोड़ी लो 💥


भाईयों अभी तक तो आपने सभी को देखा और आजमाया भी सभी ने आपसे पैसे लिये और ब्लॉक किया ।
जोडी भी दी तो 5 जोडी दी।
हम आपको ये दावे के साथ कहते हैं हमारी जोडी कंपनी से लीक होती है इसकी कोई पलट नही ना हरफ सीधी जोडी ही आती है सिंगल जोडी के लिये सम्पर्क करे।

जिन्दगी बर्बाद हो गयी सट्टा लगाते लगाते। काफी कर्जा हो गया खाईवाल का भी। लेकिन अब ऐसा नही होगा ।
सिंगल जोडी दूँगा जो डायरेक्ट पास होगी। मेरा गेम किसी को लीक नही करना जोडी लेने के लिये वॉट्सएप्प करे



हा भाई यही आती हे सबसे पहले खबर रूको और देखो!


Record Chart


Record Chart


Record Chart


Record Chart

Delhi King

Record Chart

Dishawar Day

Record Chart


Record Chart


Record Chart

Shri Ganesh

Record Chart

Gaziabad Day

Record Chart

Mizapur Loc

Record Chart


Record Chart

Kalyan Delhi

Record Chart


Record Chart

Gali Day

Record Chart

Faridabad Day

Record Chart

Milan Delhi

Record Chart


Record Chart

Pink City

Record Chart


Record Chart

Profit Daily

Record Chart

Puskar City

Record Chart

Indore Local

Record Chart

Puna Fix

Record Chart


Record Chart

Satta Dhamaka

Record Chart

King Maker

Record Chart


Record Chart

Satta King April 2024

Date Dishawar Gali Ghaziabad Faridabad Taj Delhi King Dishawar Day
2024-04-01 Xx 25 92 13 89 29 18
2024-04-02 79 05 75 13 55 19 18
2024-04-03 90 70 59 04 99 09 93
2024-04-04 99 62 41 61 33 39 92
2024-04-05 65 93 00 61 64 29 28
2024-04-06 14 29 87 81 65 93 29
2024-04-07 60 67 87 15 83 29 39
2024-04-08 79 60 28 80 14 39 38
2024-04-09 31 53 99 82 46 39 48
2024-04-10 72 41 69 15 19 29 38
2024-04-11 60 04 09 77 10 92 92
2024-04-12 76 40 71 14 48 90 83
2024-04-13 73 01 73 95 29 83 49
2024-04-14 50 84 83 08 66 29 87
2024-04-15 26 00 54 91 19 38 38
2024-04-16 42 31 74 55 76 76 86
2024-04-17 93 50 56 96 07 93 82
2024-04-18 39 99 95 88 31 18 87
2024-04-19 45 21 92 59 04 92 92
2024-04-20 57 73 14 49 79 82 82
2024-04-21 54 75 88 27 25 28 19
2024-04-23 99 87 32 33 82 83 48
2024-04-23 05 43 57 87 05 39 87
2024-04-24 73 19 55 19 08 87 38
2024-04-25 22 18 42 96 08 86 86
2024-04-26 31 02 85 72 86 32 46
2024-04-27 38 45 92 36 29 29 86
2024-04-28 41 39 31 71 55 29 93
2024-04-29 99 18 55 67 93 93 39
2024-04-30 39 73 84 75 39 92 29

Date Mahalakshmi Shri Ganesh Peshawar Gali Day Faridabad Day Gaziabad Day Mizapur Loc
2024-04-01 29 86 93 98 83 92 39
2024-04-02 98 57 64 92 29 88 08
2024-04-03 98 92 40 29 83 28 29
2024-04-04 98 92 30 28 29 29 93
2024-04-05 92 76 61 28 29 92 92
2024-04-06 92 92 83 38 29 92 39
2024-04-07 92 92 25 29 92 28 02
2024-04-08 29 39 44 29 92 39 03
2024-04-09 92 19 41 83 92 29 48
2024-04-10 29 15 29 28 93 38 91
2024-04-11 99 92 93 38 98 29 08
2024-04-12 92 97 87 39 39 38 93
2024-04-13 92 92 53 98 29 92 28
2024-04-14 97 92 95 38 97 97 92
2024-04-15 29 87 12 29 92 29 92
2024-04-16 96 00 37 92 29 92 29
2024-04-17 18 89 08 39 92 29 93
2024-04-18 93 92 14 86 68 76 76
2024-04-19 92 29 45 38 82 28 92
2024-04-20 90 93 74 27 67 83 82
2024-04-21 29 29 97 92 29 82 29
2024-04-23 93 93 18 83 83 88 28
2024-04-23 87 39 19 77 97 39 78
2024-04-24 92 67 93 38 88 83 29
2024-04-25 76 99 93 98 65 92 29
2024-04-26 98 87 58 92 86 86 88
2024-04-27 92 92 66 76 35 76 86
2024-04-28 93 97 83 38 28 38 98
2024-04-29 93 92 39 38 88 28 28
2024-04-30 39 92 22 38 29 92 38

Date Crown Kalyan Delhi Milan Delhi Chetak Pink City Satta Dhamaka King Maker
2024-04-01 29 29 29 92 92 29 28
2024-04-02 29 29 93 29 29 02 29
2024-04-03 98 98 28 08 98 29 98
2024-04-04 92 92 29 29 29 38 29
2024-04-05 29 27 29 02 29 29 92
2024-04-06 92 29 XX XX 29 29 92
2024-04-07 29 29 29 92 39 29 29
2024-04-08 39 92 39 93 39 09 29
2024-04-09 29 29 77 99 19 92 29
2024-04-10 90 19 92 98 92 37 29
2024-04-11 29 93 38 39 93 38 92
2024-04-12 19 90 97 29 98 92 92
2024-04-13 19 09 29 29 92 29 29
2024-04-14 98 98 98 98 75 97 97
2024-04-15 98 19 08 19 98 29 98
2024-04-16 89 97 29 08 93 93 64
2024-04-17 93 38 29 92 02 38 56
2024-04-18 92 92 29 07 87 97 92
2024-04-19 29 92 02 29 86 38 29
2024-04-20 82 91 XX XX XX 82 39
2024-04-21 29 97 29 92 28 92 29
2024-04-23 22 23 83 83 93 38 99
2024-04-23 87 93 28 93 94 98 93
2024-04-24 92 29 38 29 29 38 38
2024-04-25 29 29 65 29 92 76 29
2024-04-26 98 53 86 29 76 76 35
2024-04-27 29 29 29 29 75 29 92
2024-04-28 39 XX 28 92 39 39 28
2024-04-29 90 29 38 93 38 92 28
2024-04-30 39 39 29 92 92 97 78

Date Profit Daily Puskar City Indore Local Puna Fix Ayodhya Kashi
2024-04-01 02 82 29 29 29 29
2024-04-02 29 29 29 28 29 28
2024-04-03 98 98 29 98 29 98
2024-04-04 29 92 82 29 29 92
2024-04-05 29 92 29 29 39 29
2024-04-06 28 28 49 93 29 92
2024-04-07 39 92 28 29 92 39
2024-04-08 38 39 39 93 29 93
2024-04-09 93 39 37 39 38 29
2024-04-10 38 38 01 39 49 29
2024-04-11 39 38 92 92 39 93
2024-04-12 29 98 38 92 92 38
2024-04-13 92 29 97 18 38 29
2024-04-14 92 96 38 02 29 93
2024-04-15 10 92 29 38 29 29
2024-04-16 92 09 29 29 92 93
2024-04-17 56 38 95 29 39 29
2024-04-18 29 92 89 92 93 93
2024-04-19 28 82 O2 92 82 39
2024-04-20 92 92 38 92 82 94
2024-04-21 29 29 29 28 29 92
2024-04-23 77 28 83 83 38 38
2024-04-23 86 87 39 87 39 97
2024-04-24 29 29 38 39 28 29
2024-04-25 75 29 92 65 92 75
2024-04-26 53 74 52 86 75 86
2024-04-27 54 82 88 91 29 29
2024-04-28 39 94 86 38 38 39
2024-04-29 92 39 39 39 93 39
2024-04-30 29 38 92 92 29 29

Previous Record Next Record

Previous Record Ka Gali, Desawar, Gaziabad Aur Faridabad Ka Latest Chart Dekhne ke Liye Yahan Click Kariye

Yahan Aap Month Aur Year Select Karke Gali, Desawar, Ghaziabad Aur Faridabad Ka Combined Chart Dekh Sakte Hai.

Is the SattaKing game illegal?

Well, we cannot assure correctly whether the game is legal or illegal? However, we must say that no country allows illegal things in their country. During colonial rule, the game started. The people of those time became addicted to it. They started to play the game in such a way that they invested all their money. In this way, it seems that they are looking at everything. So, whenever the police used to see the gatherings of people playing Satta King, they raid there. The police didn't allow anyone to play the game.

However, slowly everyone realized that it might be illegal but at least this game is not harming anyone. People are playing on their risk. No other persons are involved in it. Everybody is playing on their own. If they are losing their money, it is entirely their own risk. So, we cannot say that the game is illegal. Everyone is playing and enjoying the game at a certain level. Many people feel afraid to play the game because they might lose all their possessions. However, you have to take a risk if you want to earn money.

Rules and Regulations of the Satta King Game.

We all are acquainted with the Satta King Game. It has different types of games. Out of this, Black Satta King 786 is one of the best games. Well, this game has some rules and regulations. You need to follow the instructions while playing the game. Though there no strict rules and regulations. It is different from other games due to the.

What are the Playing Rules for Satta King ?

The Internet is the key to everything nowadays. People with a cell phone and access to the internet can dominate the world. You don't have to go somewhere to play Satta King because there are numerous Satta King or Matka websites on the Internet. However, you must have a credit and debit card to play the Satta king game, and this is where the game becomes riskier. So, first and foremost, you must discover a website where you may bet online without danger or a website that is highly regarded. So, if you believe you can trust a website, go ahead and play.

Nobody is an expert in the game of Satta King, and no one knows how to win it. In this game, it's all about luck, expertise, and strategy. However, there may be a mathematical or numerical strategy that can be used to win the game. Every number has the same probability of winning, however by choosing a frequently stated number as the winning number from the satta king chart, anyone can obtain an understanding of the most frequently picked and less often chosen numbers.

What are the rules and regulations of the Satta King?

There are no strict rules and regulations for the game. But if you are eager to play the game then you have to know the rules and regulations. Moreover, you need some prerequisites.

● You need a laptop, tablet or mobile to play the game with a strong and uninterrupted internet connection.

● The company will ask you about your bank details. You will send all the details before registering for the game.

● After that, you start playing. The company will ask you to enter the number. You have a select the numbers according to your choice. There are no tricks in this game. You have to choose according to your desire.

● There is no option of taking help from others. As soon as you realise that you are not able to win the game then you can quit the game.

● If you are the winner, then your account will be credited with the money instantly. Sometimes they need two or three working days.

● If you are a loser then you have to pay a certain amount. Know about Faridabad and Disawar Satta king results Faridabad One of the forms of Satta King or Matka games accessible nowadays is Satta or Faridabad. This game has a lot in common with Satta Deshawar and Satta Gali. Satta king Faridabad was born in Faridabad, where Satta games are widely popular in Uttar Pradesh. As a result, the name Satta Faridabad was created. This game is very similar to the others in the Satta king series. Betting on numbers and then waiting for the outcome is the next step. The technique is the same as in other Satta King games, and the outcome is known as Satta Faridabad. Disawar Satta king is a form of Matka game that is comparable to all of the other Matka games. Satta King Disawar is a game in which participants can wager on any number and wait for the results the next day. There is no limit to the number of numbers you can gamble on. You have the option of betting on as many numbers as you choose. This can assist you boost your chances of winning the game and increase your winning probability. The Satta king result is drawn at its own pace the next day, and customers must verify their betting numbers the next day online, also known as Disawar Satta Result.

Satta King is a game like a lottery where the numbers 00 through 99 are used. This game was initially called Satta Matka, where "Satta" meant to bet or gamble, and "Matka" meant a pot from which a number was drawn. In Satta Matka, bets are put on a string of numbers from 00 to 99. The lucky winner is chosen by picking a number out of the hat. When the winning number was called, the person got the prize and became known as the sattaking. In the past, the winner of Satta Matka was called the "Satta King," which is not what the game is called. But when it became more well-known, people began calling it "Sattaking."

These are the basic rules and prerequisites for the game. Follow all those and play the game. We are sure that you will like to play the game. It is not a new game. It is being played for several years and everyone is highly satisfied with it due to its different rules.

No one knows how many different Satta king games are there.

There is no built-in way to sort things in Satta King. People call their new Sattaking games things like "City, State," "and," or "Place." Cities like Gali, Deshawar, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Mumbai Morning, Delhi King, and Dubai King are examples. Different versions of Satta King are played all over India, but Gali, Deshawar, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad have by far the best games. The most popular game is the one called "Deshawar." Dubai is where the server for this game is.

How to Play the Satta King Game.

In the Satta King game, people bet on any number from zero to ninety-nine. People do this by getting in touch with a Khaiwal near them. Khaiwal is the middleman between the gamblers and those who own the games. The job of every Khaiwal in his region is to collect player fees and send them to the company. Once a winner has been chosen, he will get the payout from the company and give it to the lucky bettor. At set times, the Sattaking company picks a number at random. The winner will get ninety times as Satta King Result the amount they bet.

What about Satta King makes it so popular in India?

As you can see, India has more people than the United States but a low employment rate. Small businesses run by doing business. In the meantime, a game called Satta King comes out, which many people play to make quick cash. People in India like Satta King because they don't have to make a minimum bet to play. This has helped the game spread quickly all over the country.

Can you make money by playing Satta King?

The fastest and easiest way to get rich quickly with little work is to gamble. It might take a lot of courage, but the benefits are significant. Satta Matka is a type of gambling where you can win a lot of money in a short amount of time. To do this, you'll need to be an expert at Satta King. The player's luck is just as crucial to the outcome of a gambling venture. Those with more luck have much better chances of winning. The main topic of conversation will be gambling games where skilled players have a good chance of doing well in the long run. Invest only what you can afford to lose and what you think you can earn from the business.